OK, long day and super tired.
Possum's labs were off with raised globulin levels, he had a fever but no fluid in his belly. Admins and vet agree to treat as URI and retest immediately if he starts to decline. He got a steroid shot and will take a round of antibiotics. I'll give him B12, too.
Mickey's labs are right on course! She even gained 2 ounces since Friday!
Mo is SNAP negative and he got all his shots. He was an excellent boy! He will get snipped on Friday with the rest of the boys. I actually switched him out with Possum. Possum needs to wait now until he's better.
Thank you so much for donations called into the vet! It was an enormous help today! I still spent huge amounts at the vet. I didn't expect to have to take Possum but considering what I'm going through with FIP it was better to know and be prepared.
I'm way behind in everything right now and trying to catch up. Personal stuff going on as well. But Gia has decided to stay in the bedroom. I opened the door and he just stared at me.
Please help however you can. I need to raise about $150 more to ensure Markus gets his labs next week. ANY amount helps!
And thank you for getting us this far!
Be pawsome! Do pawsome! This is the way.
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Markus FIP Warrior Coffee mug link:
Info: info@tuxieslegacy.org
Info: info@tuxieslegacy.org
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