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10/01/2024 Crew Update

Updated: Jan 11, 2024

Sandy is eating!

She's kind of snotty but she looks a lot better! I'm going to keep her kenneled for a few days just to make sure she's eating and pooping normally but she's sort of grumpy about isolation. Just let her get better!

Andre is great. He wants to roam but I can't let him until his stitches are out next week. He's a total purr boy! Thank you for helping him with surgery!

OK, so serious stuff about the rescue. The dynamics of the house change with every loss or addition. Supply needs change, too. I don't ask for help everyday but there are needs every day regardless.

I'm switching over completely to grass seed litter. Mostly because my back can't take carrying clay litter. Selfish? Not really. Grass seed is more expensive but less is used, bags last longer, and it's actually about the same for the monthly expense. It's also better for the cats and the planet.

Food is still about the same. But we go through huge amounts of food. We are super blessed with donations of supplies and I thank those that send the boxes!

My point in saying this is that the page has been losing followers and doesn't grow. The handful of people that keep us going are the real heros! The people that stick with us no matter what are our real friends.

We have been an official, 501c3 charity for almost 3 years. This isn't a hobby. This is my job and I don't get paid to do it. Payment is in the form of seeing a cat like Andre heal, saving a cat from a, once, lethal disease, or adopting a cat to the perfect forever family.

Things are so bad with shelters now that they are reaching out to the small rescues. I got an email yesterday from the county saying they need help with their overflow. Maybe they don't realize that small rescues have been doing that all along? We have plenty of overflow, too.

That being said, I hate posting asking for help but the need is always there. I also have a huge amount of cats with special needs. Funds are used for what doesn't get donated. Litter is procured through Petsmart because of my kid's discount so it's not on any list.

Anything you can do at any time ever is needed and appreciated. Every bit is spent on the cats. There are no paychecks here. I just want people to understand that I started the rescue with tons of encouragement and promises of help yet I'm doing it all myself. We need the community to survive.

Thank you for making that happen.

Direct donations to SugarLand Pet Hospital, 281-491-5533, account 7212

Amazon wish list:

Chewy wish list:

Anything is always needed. Sharing is caring! Thank YOU for all that you do for the forgotten, the injured, the throw away.

Seeing them thrive is the only payment I need.

Be pawsome! Do pawsome! This is the way.

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Spoils Wish List:

Amazon donation list:

Donate supplies from Chewy:

Amazon wish list:

You can do pawsome! This iz the way!

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