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11/07/2024 Gia Medical Update


I have internet back (at least for now) but cell service is sketchy and NO power!

It's like a third world nation here. We have a generator but it went out and we lost most of the food in fridge. Back up running and have 2 fans and a light at night. Charge our phones in the cars.

Gia went into respiratory distress last night from the heat. We put him a carrier downstairs with a cold pack and a fan right on him. Boogie stayed up all night watching him. He is now at the vet and will stay there until we get power back. His respiration was at 48 (30 in normal) and is down to 42. No fever. Dr Floyd says he's resting now with a direct fan on him.

No one who has lived here has ever seen a Cat1 take out so much AND Center Point, once again, FAILED to properly assess the situation before it hit! AND after the storm passed they could have started restoring power at 3pm but they didn't. They waited until yesterday. 2.6 million people down! This is total BS and I'm calling for everyone affected to demand the CEO and the minions to be held accountable!

Half my neighborhood got power back last night but not my side. My side has the pool. Pool can't open with no power. I'm losing money, the food I bought is wasted, and, this is good.... UPS didn't deliver Vader's meds yesterday so I had to use emergency meds! I hold them for new parents that are starting (never mentioned it here) and I have to replace a vial. See the UPS excuse in photos. 😡

For now we exist in a borderline, demilitarized zone.

On a happy note, I woke up with zero pain after 5 weeks!

Yay me. 😐

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