Some very good news today! Finally, right?
First, Sugar's respiration is normal and she will be weaned down to 1 shot a day! She's still horrible for shots but starting tomorrow it will only be 1 instead of 2! She also sports the FIP Mohawk now and purred through the process.
Second, Liz and Roman will be going to their forever home together! A friend is adopting both today! And they will be just around the corner so I can visit! Happy Forever, my sweet babies!
That's all for today. I don't want to say everyone is OK and jinx the situation. Little Bobby and Noodles need to get checked out at the vet so donations are still very much needed. Food and litter as well.
Help as you can. We are happy for anything.
Please be kind to each other.
Be pawsome! Do pawsome! This is the way.
Adoption link:
Markus FIP Warrior Coffee mug and FIP Warrior Collection links:
Spoils Wish List:
Shop Amazon Smiles through our rescue!
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