So this happened...
One of Ray's FIP sores abscessed. It was super gross and Jace was amaze balls at draining the rest of it! I had to hold him in place but he did good for the duration of cleaning it up.
I'll text Dr Floyd in the morning and see if she needs to see him. Maybe a Convenia shot. Poor guy is having a rough time with his skin through this. Even on pills they can get sores and he had been healing up on most of them.
This is why I have to constantly raise funds.
I didn't want to post the graphic pics because it was pretty messy and he's got a hole in him basically.
Now he's the perfect sunflower kitty.
Be pawsome! Do pawsome! This is the way.
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Markus FIP Warrior Coffee mug, FIP Warrior Collection and 4 Warriors of the FIP Apocalypse! links: