So here's the update.
He actually has a microchip but there's no answer, no voicemail, and the 3rd # was disconnected. He was never reported missing either. I have no idea how long he's been on the street.
His name is Patrick and he's almost 12 years old! So because I can't have 2 Patricks and I want him to know that I know his name I decided to call him Trick. It's close enough to his name.
Medically.... It's JUST FIP! He was negative for everything else. He's anemic and severely dehydrated. Of course he's also skin and bone. Dr Parks felt it was best to keep him overnight on IV fluids. I went to the clinic to give his evening shot and I could tell a difference already!
He ate almost a whole can of Fancy Feast after they cleaned him up. He was purring and happy while I gave him his shot. I'll have to go at 7am to give him the morning shot and he'll probably come home later tomorrow.
Make no mistake, he has a long road to recovery but he's doing better than Saturday night. He will be on multiple medications for a while and FIP treatment is 84 days. He also needs to be on Royal Canin Mother and Babycat so I'm adding it to the wish list on Amazon.
If you can help with vet bills, meds, or food please PayPal or Zelle with TRICK in notes. Direct donations to SugarLand Pet Hospital, 281-491-5533, account 7212.
I never thought I would be happy for an FIP diagnosis but, as I said before, there ARE worse things now.
He is my 9th warrior.
The Wish Lists:
Be pawsome! Do pawsome! This is the way.
Adoption link: