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15/04/2024 Tuxie Update

Updated: Apr 15, 2024

MEOW and good day from the Bridge!

Yes, it's been a hot minute since I visited but I still watch and see everything!

I came today to address an issue that affects people in rescue so much.... TROLLS!

A very good human who rescues was completely insulted by a sanctimonious troll. They said some hurtful and vicious things to someone who is going above and beyond what a single human can do. What do these horrible words accomplish? Only hurt!

People always say "ignore the trolls" but I say eat them! See, all the good words don't take away from the insults. Rescuers KNOW they're doing what's good and right. It is nice to hear praise but not necessary.

Rescuers don't have perfect houses. Rescuers have constant vet needs. Rescuers have more than they can handle but they they do. Rescuers are in deep and fight to keep above water for the lives they saved when no one else would!

Hurtful comments affect them because they have already given their souls up to a thankless mission that never ends! Trolls hit the most vulnerable spot in a rescuers mind; that it's never good enough.

Fight back! Point out their ignorance! Shame them! Bullies only stop when you stand up to them! But, please, don't negate their feelings by saying "just ignore trolls". Once said it's out there and it does have a negative effect on the human who is doing their best with what they have.

Words have consequences so make them good ones!

Now go forth and be super pawsome! It is the way.

Tuxie - I am watching!
Tuxie - I am watching!

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