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15/10/2024 Family and Crew Update


Updated: Oct 17, 2024

I had a big post but accidentally deleted it! 😫

Not going through all that again so here's the cliff notes:

All the cats are good right now! 😻

Thank you for donations that I wasn't even asking for but desperately need to continue. 😻

No response or help available from other rescues because they are going through the same thing as us. 😿

My personal life and the rescue have collided to amp my already unstable crazy. But I'm OK! 😜

I'm not giving up, just bring honest.

Hmm.... The first post was way better but I'm behind on the cleaning so this is as good as it gets. Sorry, not sorry. Between the rescue needs and my mother, well, you know what I zero left to give. Snaps to me for staying PG13! 🤣

Amazon list has been updated to include cleaning supplies. Don't know why I never did that before....

Help as you can, however you can.

Whatever you can do, donations, shares, it's good enough for us and we all thank you for your support! 😻😻😻

The Wish Lists:

Be pawsome! Do pawsome! This is the way.

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Markus FIP Warrior Coffee mug, FIP Warrior Collection and 4 Warriors of the FIP Apocalypse! links:


Spoils Wish List:

Shop Amazon Smiles through our rescue!

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You can do pawsome! This iz the way!

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