So after some cleaning up she looks a little better.
Her other eye is open now. She's very purry and making tons of biscuits, too. I syringe fed her some and have an appointment tomorrow with Dr Parks at 4:30. I'm also texting her and Dr Floyd about dosages for meds so they know what's going on with her.
She's just precious and sweet but this baby has a serious URI and needs a lot of care right now. I'm only surface wiping her off because it's too cold to bathe her in her condition.
Thank you for donations!
And right after I made Xena's appointment the clinic called back; they had a cancellation so Goose goes next Wednesday to get his surgery!
Direct donations to SugarLand Pet Hospital, 281-491-5533, account 7212.
Thank you again for everything you do for these cats! 😻
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