Not short and maybe not super sweet. I'm freakin tired.
I started Little Bobby on Veraflox yesterday because he's still sneezing with some coughing.
I'm using Erythromycin on Desmonia's left eye because it looks like she got popped in it. Oh, using it on Little Bobby, too, for his right eye. It's gotten worse.
Sugar took her shot OK. She ate twice before she puked like the Exorcist around 1. She either ate too much or higher dose of Gabapentin didn't agree with her or both. Adjustments have to be made. Either lower dose or none. I don't like her being wasted half the day either. And no more chowing down so hard.
Liz and Roman are happy in their new home! They both allowed baths and nail trims. I know they're going to be spoiled completely.
Lafayette is doing great with his new foster. Jamie reports he is everyone's friend! He loves having kids his own age and he is so adorable I'm sure he will find a loving home!
I am starting to be able to pet Joey! And he's starting to look like he has mange, too. I want to grab him and get a dose of Revolution on him. Johnny, too, but I can barely touch him right now. I don't have the funds to vet either of them but if I can start treating with Revolution they will start healing. Timmy and Freddie need to be treated as well because they are in close proximity and I don't need them getting as bad as these poor feral boys.
So if you can/want to help please call in to the vet with direct donations to help with 4 doses of Revolution, a new tube of Erythromycin, and a bottle of Veraflox. SugarLand Pet Hospital, 281-491-5533, account 7212. Of course you can still PayPal or Zelle with MEDS in notes.
Thanks to the generous donations, some really good sales, and a $100 gift card to Walmart the Cat Box is overflowing!
Food and litter are continual needs so this is one less thing to worry about for the next 3 weeks at least! Thank you so much for all you have done and anything you can do!
Almost time to feed the masses then I'm done for the day.
Be pawsome! Do pawsome! This is the way.
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