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18/05/2023 Update


Hendrix went to the vet today.

He's still fighting hard. His nose is swollen and when Dr Floyd was cleaning it pus came out.

She thinks it's possible that it's mostly his nasal cavity that's infected because his lungs sound clear. His heartbeat is good, too. He did lose a half ounce but today I'm getting more formula into him.

He will be on Veraflox, Amoxicillan, prednisolone, Erythromycin, Nutra-cal, and a newborn supplement. Plus saline nebulizer treatments 3-4 times a day.

We also agreed that he is older than his size. He's probably closer to 11 days old based on his teeth and eyes opening. Only about as big as a 6 day old. But he is fighting everything I do to him so he has a will to live.

I honestly don't know what will happen with this baby. I'm not going to get my hopes up but I won't give up on him. When he screams at me I have to smile.

People are asking what he needs but I have everything here. He needs all good thoughts to survive. I did have to order another "heartbeat" heart because I can't find the other one. I also got more kitten blankets because he likes the ones I have.

All the nuggets are doing good and I will update about them tomorrow. Gia is relaxing and waiting for treats. Sugar threw up 15 minutes after meds so she had to get another pill in and kept it down. Overall everyone is OK!

Please continue to support the rescue however you can. There will be expenses coming with Hendrix but I don't for what or when.

Please keep this tiny boy in your thoughts. He needs every bit of positive energy you can send.

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