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19/01/2025 Weather, Xena, George and human news Update


A quick post before I pass out.

Been helping my brother move this weekend.

So George, aka Mr Cheeks, is still very slowly getting used to backscratcher pets. He hides in his cave when I'm in the room but I spy on him and see him checking out the others. He does love the chin scritches part. One day.... Maybe.

Xena is doing great! She was 1lb 7oz on the 15th and she's up to 1lb 13oz. Yesterday she ate a can of food, today it was 2 and some! She's eating like a tiny warrior!

She also got a Dawn bath yesterday. Poor baby was filthy with flea dirt, food, and just icky. Not happy with the bath part but let me blow dry her without a single complaint! Xena has zero fear!

So she goes back next week to recheck and might be ready for shots. Goose has surgery Wednesday. Still hoping for more funds for that. Anything helps.

Have to finish the move tomorrow so we can close on the house. The kitties inherited Granny's chair and are thrilled! It was a dumpster dive find so no harm, no foul when it gets destroyed at some point! 😹

Still have to get the porch ready for the ferals. Now they're saying snow is a guarantee Tuesday. Joy. People in Texas can't function on the road properly with snow. Snow is cool to us but a bad idea overall for southerners that can't even drive in the rain!

My lovely Tooth Fairy bought the outside enclosure for us and it came in yesterday! I won't be able to put it together until I break down my previous fail. And I don't have time until the storm passes and the house is finalized. Thank you, sweet Angel Juneau and your wonderful mom! 😻

I'll try to post tomorrow but depends on how much I wear myself out.

To help with Goose's surgery PayPal or Zelle or direct donations to SugarLand Pet Hospital, 281-491-5533, account 7212.

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