After yesterday's horrible post I have a better one today.
Gia seems better today. It's cooler but that seems to have helped some. His concentrator is out for delivery today. I'm hoping it will make a difference.
I have to believe that Markus's labs were off because of him sneezing. He shows zero physical symptoms of relapse. He's back on Veraflox and Petinic for the slight anemia. He was running over me chasing The Puff last night at 2am! Just have to wait for the URI PCR results.
Mickey's good shot days are over I think. 3 sticks this morning. It was only accomplished by sticking her in the cat bag. I knew it wouldn't last. But no leaks and she doesn't hate me!
OK, the owner of the clinic hasn't gotten back to me about the mass spay/neuter. I have scheduled The Puff and Liz to get spayed tomorrow. Neither has gone into heat but I'm not taking any chances. I'll deal with the boys after them. One by one if necessary.
One good thing yesterday. I rescued a dog and got him back to his owner.
I'm trying to handle everything that's been thrown at me. It's hard to not get negative but I AM trying to stay positive. All I want is for all the cats to be healthy. And for my lost girl....she was more than a Girl Scout to me.
Godspeed, sweet, beautiful, Riley. Your fight is over. May we meet again.
Please hold close those that you love. Tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone.
Be pawsome! Do pawsome! This is the way.
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