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21/11/2022 Update


MEW-OW an good day!

Iz a new week an new things can happen! Good things!

Now first I can ask that everyone think really super hard an send powerful good thoughts for Markus! He has blood work this week and if iz good (you can send vibes) he loses the pompoms Friday! Mama iz very nervous for that cause any kind of trauma can cause relapse. That's why they want to do surgeries while they still take treatment. Thanksgiving Day iz 2/3 through treatment!

Mickey an Gabby can be doing much better, too! They don't like meds but iz making them better! An the loafs, too! Every night Mama loads up syringes an squirts everyone. I hope by Catmas everyone can be done with meds. All Mama wants for Catmas iz all us healthy an fed good. I hope Santa Paws can give her that.

I can give special thank yous to some super pawsome humans that do so much! Auntie E an Auntie Helen! They keep Mama sane. Miss Nancy who supports us behind the scenes! She "makes the world a better place"! An our super pawsome webmaster, Mr Jean-Marc! He takes care of all the web stuff that Mama could never do! An I can say thank you thank you to everyone here! You support us not with just donations but kind words an good thoughts. It helps Mama get through a lot. Yes, this terrible year took so much from her but you were all here for her an us kittens! You make a difference!

Now I can go watch for a truck! My Uncle Bob says iz coming! I think Santa Paws sees my wish list! *hops around* TRUCK TRUCK TRUCK! I can wait for it!

Now iz a big night for Norman, too. Iz the very last episode of Walking Dead ever! I can not know what he will do when iz done. Maybe we can get him a boxed set of DVD.

I can hope everyone iz ready for turkey day. I hope you all can have good noms an lots of love! An be thankful. Even with so much bad stuff this year Mama iz thankful for lots. That Markus does good so far, that many lives were saved, that adoptions happen, an that her non-furs are doing well an healthy.

Now you can enjoy your Sunday an please think good thoughts for Markus!

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