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22/12/2022 Update

Mom Carla~


As I said yesterday, technically, tomorrow is 84 days of shots. I will ask the admins if a shot is needed Friday. Whatever they say I will do.

Today was an OK shot but I created another lump. It's hard even with the cat bag and he's starting to protest.

Through this experience in terror I have leaned to calm myself but I still lose it on occasion. I have cried almost every day over him. He is so gentle and sweet. He still trusts me but hides every morning now.

Last night I gave him his Catmas present; a ball track! He uses his paws just like Jessi did so he really loves it! At 3am I could hear him playing with it.

Noodles is much better! His nose is drying up and his eyes aren't running much at all now. The others that had small spots of ringworm are clearing up, too. Poor Danny still has a giant bald spot but the hair is growing back.

Gia is finally healing up! His Catmas present will probably be getting the flower cone off for the day. He starts scratching though and it goes back on!

Yesterday I received a check from a birthday fundraiser so that helps. Those fundraisers might take 45 days to pay out but the money always shows up just when it's needed!

I've had several small blessings this week and am thankful. It's small things that help get us through the larger issues. And I MIGHT have a wonderful surprise to expose after Christmas.

It's personal but another blessing. We'll see what happens. Ooooo! Cryptic!

Thank you for your support of these beautiful lives and of me as well. I'm not the calm, collected type and I melt down easy. Thank you for understanding my crazy. Thank you for sticking by the page, cats, me, and helping us get through it all.

You are a greater blessing!

Be pawsome! Do pawsome! This is the way.

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