Trick is halfway through treatment today!
He has been absolutely wonderful during all this. I have the OK to get his vaccines so we're going Tuesday. I just hope he won't have any issues because shots are one of the stresses that can cause the mutation in the first place. He shouldn't have any problems because he's already on the meds.
Little Ayden is completely sweet and cuddly. Such a chill baby! He'll be going Tuesday as well to start getting shots, fecal, etc.
We're in the process of litter training both him and Kumar. Negan is not happy about Ayden bring in his kennel. I will be moving Trick to the big pen now that Riley is in observation so Ayden can move to the kennel he's in. Negan doesn't stay in his kennel anymore but he does eat and pee/poop there so his routine is disrupted and he needs his space back.
I need to stock up on food, litter, and have 2 vet appointments this week. Any help would be appreciated if you able. It hasn't been easy to work, run a rescue, and deal with sciatica but I'm getting it done because the cats deserve 150% even if I'm at 60%.
Funds can be sent to PayPal or Zelle
Direct donations to SugarLand Pet Hospital, 281-491-5533, account 7212
Please share and thank you in advance for whatever you can do! 😻
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Be pawsome! Do pawsome! This is the way.
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