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23/07/2024 Sandy Vet Update


Updated: Jul 27, 2024

I just couldn't post last night.

Had to process a lot.

Sandy has a URI for sure. Labs indicate FIP. Or worse. My admin advised me to do a "trial" of meds. 2 weeks. If she improves, it's FIP. If she doesn't, it could be cancer.

She is better this morning and ate last night. Convenia, dex, and B-12 shots helped. So we start shots today.

Part of my brain screams "no more!" and part says "FIP is better than cancer". The symptoms happen so fast. Sandy's weight loss happened within a week or so. But FIP is curable and cancer....not so much.

I have noticed that cats rescued in the last 2 years have developed the disease and not anyone before that time. Is there a different strain of coronavirus that's more susceptible to mutation? Studies are going on in Cypress because of the massive outbreak there.

Whatever the case, here I go again. It's heartbreaking and overwhelming. But I have to hope that it IS FIP because the alternative is too much.

When I picked her up last night I also brough Gia home. His urn is being made so I sit and look at a bag of ashes. My baby goblin. This is all that's left of him. My GG.

So I move forward as best as I can. I feel broken. The year has been so unkind. I give up on continuing to rescue but not on the cats in my care. I still have 3 lab appointments coming and 2 kittens that need shots.

I thank you all again for the generosity shown for every crisis that has arisen. They have been many. I pray that I can continue to sustain the rescue as it is, if not better.

Ways to help...

CashApp $katmom23

Venmo @Carla-Snell-2

Direct donations to SugarLand Pet Hospital, 281-491-5533, account 7212

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