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25/07/2024 Vader Vet and Crew Update

Updated: Jul 27, 2024

So I took Vader this morning for laser therapy.

His sores are horribly gross and he will need to go every other day for a while. There's only one tiny new one next to the last one he got the other day. He acts like it's all good so I'm just waiting to find out what else can be done to heal him up.


Sandy has taken 3 shots and done OK even with slight protest. She's eating again and her eyes look better today. Still overly dramatic for her oral meds but I get them in her. And so far I haven't been bitten! 😂

Vader's laser therapy is $49 a treatment. I can get a package deal for $260ish with 6 treatments. ANY help towards this is appreciated. I still have 3 lab appointments and 2 kittens that need shots. ANY help, period, is appreciated!

I really am sorry to keep asking but all of the vet stuff is mandatory. Share please! Whatever you can do is good enough! I promise $5 really does help take the edge off all this!

Thank you for whatever you can do! 😻

CashApp $katmom23

Venmo @Carla-Snell-2

Direct donations to SugarLand Pet Hospital, 281-491-5533, account 7212.

Please put VET or VADER in notes

UPDATE: Vader is going tomorrow for wound debridement...🤮

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