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29/09/2023 365 Day FIP Update


Today is 365 days of FIP.

Tomorrow is a year since Markus was diagnosed. 3 cured, 1 in observation, 1 just starting treatment. FIP has taken so much from the rescue. It's taken so much from me.

Luke is doing good for his shots. His meds are coming today. His belly is looking less swollen and I have to take his temperature but I think it's normal. He acts like nothing is wrong and is a totally sweet boy but we have a 6 month journey ahead of us.

Zander and Zavier got their snips yesterday and did great. One of the nurses wants Zander but is talking to her husband. Not holding my breath. Maybe....

The person who got banned the other day called us (me and the lady in need) "desperate and pathetic". Desperate, yes! We are all pretty desperate when it comes to saving our cats. But SHE is the pathetic one. Ignorance is rampant in the world today but it will be banned here.

So I am desperate, too. Funds for the ferals are untouched. The funds I had for Ray's next labs, food, and litter had to be tapped for Luke's vet visit and meds. Yeah, I'm desperate.

I messed up my back again over the weekend and can't even sleep through the night from the pain. I'm very short tempered as a result. And desperate.

I have to continue to ask for support for the rescue. I have to continue to function civilly. I have to force myself forward when I don't want to. So, again, yeah, I am desperate. But pathetic? NO! I know I'm saving cats and doing what's right.

$5 Friday. If you can spare $5 please PayPal or Zelle to

Thank you to those that send just because. Thank you for anything you can do to help recover some of the unexpected expenses.

Yeah, I AM desperate.

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