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Friday 11/11/2022 Update


MEW-OW an good day! OMC! Iz been so busy this week! I can make a report now!

So! Vlad iz maybe got a abscess on his head an Mama takes him at 12:30!

Pepper met her new mama last night an iz going to her new home tonight or tomorrow night!

Charlotte iz going to her forever home today!

Geneva got all her shots an tests yesterday an iz ready for spay! Giselle iz in gen pop now but Geneva iz happy to stay in the kennel an watch everyone!

Dixie iz doing great in gen pop an getting better with humans but she can still be kind of nervous.

Pixie still wants to eat Mama.

An, best news, today Markus iz halfway through his FIP treatment!

Mama works so hard to take care of us. She thinks all this iz a fail but iz not for us! We have a safe place an noms an clean litter boxes. I just wish I can win the lottery for her an she can hire someone to help her. But maybe we can get more adoptions soon. Both ladies want 2 cats so maybe soon we can get 2 more adoptions in!

So I can give you all the news! An no boring stuff! Now I can relax an let Mama clean an take Vlad! She can report when she gets back!

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