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Update 9/11/2022


MEOW and good day!

Please forgive the lack of posts for a couple of days. Mom is struggling with anxiety and stress. The holidays are not a great time for everyone and this year she is one of them. I don't want to bring anyone down but please recognize that there are a lot of humans that feel very sad right now. 2022 was very cruel and they try to heal.

Well, I will say thank you to Ms Kathy H for donations of noms and litter! And thank you to Gilbert's auction and Ms Kathy A for donating items for us! Mom was able to order more wet noms to get us through the end of the year! It helps so much!

I know we always ask for help. We have so many to care for and adoptions are slow. Today I declare $5 Friday! Can I raise just $50 today? It's for Markus's immune support supplement that he has to take for the first 30 days of observation. Mom is trying to not cut into the reserves she has for his labs and emergency funds. It's only $50. If you can do just $5 it adds up!

Markus is doing so great, too! He plays hard, eats like a horse, and is such a happy boy. It's hard to believe that 10 weeks ago he was considered terminal. Mom also ordered 1 more vial of meds because he gains weight and his dosage might change in the next 2 weeks. As of today he has 14 shots to go and we are all praying that he will go into observation on Christmas Eve! It's all Mom wants for Christmas.

Everyone else is doing good. Possum didn't get an abscess, Danny Boy's ringworm is going away, Patrick isn't sneezing like crazy anymore but still has a runny eye, and Gia is still in the flower cone. His sore is healing but he flipped the cone down and scratched again. Mom puts meds on him 4 times a day but he's got to stop scratching!

So that's all for today. $5 Friday for Markus! PayPal or Zelle with MARKUS in notes! Think of others and what they may be going through during this season.

Be pawsome and know you are! Do pawsome and give someone a smile today! This is always the way.

Be pawsome! Do pawsome! This is the way.

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